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Hi all!  From my site so far you may think "What the hell was she thinking?!"  Am I right?  I have an extraordinary mind and I like almost everything.  I get along with almost everyone so there are many levels to me and my complex life.

If anyone likes poetry I HIGHLY advise you to check out the poems.  They are all origianl poems written by me or my friends.  All are specified who they are by.  If you want to use them for ANY reason please ask for permisson.  If you ask it will most likely be granted.  Don't plagerize for these poems are all based on the feelings that we had at that time.  They are part of us.  Just do what is right.

Click the link below to view the first three chapters of my book.

Haunted Dreams

You say bad like it's a bad thing!

To take a break from goodness would be excellent

Why Pixi?

You might ask why pixi? A friend of mine gave me that nickname because I was being naughty and pixie's are naughty little creatures.  But hey, someone has to have fun in this crazy world don't they?

Poems written by:

Alexis Hollister

Adam Salz