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Here you'll find some of the best websites.  They are good for everything from downloading files to finding a job.  Jobs are for youth only in Racine, Wisconsin though.  You can also get information about resumes, work permits and other things.  If you like RC cars I suggest looking at Evaderracer's site.  He has some awesome trucks!  If you have any suggestions for sites you can e-mail me the link and I'll check it out and possibly put it on my site.

Go to the following sites if you like RC's:



If you are looking for resume help, finding a job, work permits or anything work related try this:


Want to get involved in an adicting card game.  Try Magic the Gathering.  Expensive to get started but well worth the money:

Magic the Gathering

Looking for a way to completely waste your time online and have some fun doing it.  Try Internet Junk.  Easy way to talk in forums, play games, and just mess around.


I have recently discovered the type of comedy known as satire.  If you have a strange sense of humor try these sites.  Some of the stories are fairly amusing.

Dead Brain

Rum and Monkey